Financial Audit Vs. Financial Review

Financial Audit Vs. Financial Review

Key Differences Between a Financial Audit & Financial Review A financial audit and review are two different types of financial assessments conducted by professionals to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of financial statements. The main difference between an...
What is a LLC?

What is a LLC?

What is a LLC in the Performing Arts? Definition of LLC  A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is defined as a legal business entity that limits the company’s members from risk of loss. The owners of an LLC are usually referred to as “members,” as the structure is more of...
What is a Sole Proprietor?

What is a Sole Proprietor?

What is a Sole Proprietor? Definition of Sole Proprietor for Those in the Performing Arts A Sole Proprietor is an entity that is not incorporated (as a C-corp, S-corp, or other corporate structure). This includes performing arts entities. As the name implies, sole...