Financial Audit Vs. Financial Review

Financial Audit Vs. Financial Review

Key Differences Between a Financial Audit & Financial ReviewA financial audit and review are two different types of financial assessments conducted by professionals to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of financial statements. The main difference between an...

How to Create a Project Budget

How to Create a Project Budget

How to Create a Project Budget What is a Budget? A budget is an estimate of income and expenses for a set period of time in the future. You can create a budget for your entire organization or individually for each of your projects/programs. Budgets are meant to be...

What is a LLC?

What is a LLC?

What is a LLC in the Performing Arts?Definition of LLC  A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is defined as a legal business entity that limits the company’s members from risk of loss. The owners of an LLC are usually referred to as “members,” as the structure is more of...

How to Create an Operating Budget

How to Create an Operating Budget

How to Create an Operating Budget An Operating Budget in the Performing Arts An Operating Budget differs from a Project Budget in that it takes into account all of your project budgets, fundraising budgets, and general operating budgets in one report. This type of...

When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 Incorporation

When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 Incorporation

When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 IncorporationIf you have a short-term or one-time project, or are just starting out as a creator, incorporating as a 501(c)(3) is not the most practical or cost-effective way to incorporate. Instead, fiscal sponsorship...

Crowdfunding Versus Fundraising

Crowdfunding Versus Fundraising

Crowdfunding versus FundraisingWhat is the difference between Crowdfunding and Fundraising? Crowdfunding is exclusively online while fundraising could be either in person or virtual. The majority of Crowdfunding websites make it free to begin so you retain most of the...

Should My Dancers Be on Payroll?

Should My Dancers Be on Payroll?

Should My Dancers Be on Payroll?Legal Implications of Payroll Employees From the perspective of the New York Department of Labor, if you are a dance company and are dictating when and where your dancers are performing their services, those individuals are considered...

What is a Sole Proprietor?

What is a Sole Proprietor?

What is a Sole Proprietor?Definition of Sole Proprietor for Those in the Performing Arts A Sole Proprietor is an entity that is not incorporated (as a C-corp, S-corp, or other corporate structure). This includes performing arts entities. As the name implies, sole...

Determining Pay Rates for Your Team

Determining Pay Rates for Your Team

Considerations for Determining Pay RatesDetermining How Much to Pay Your Team Pentacle recommends using the W.A.G.E. calculator to get a sense for how much established institutions are paying for artistic services. Employers can also input their annual budget to see a...

Top CRMs for Non-Profit Entities

Top CRMs for Non-Profit Entities

Top CRMs for Non-Profit EntitiesSalesforce Salesforce is a widely used CRM system that offers robust features and customization options. Nonprofits can use Salesforce's Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), which includes features tailored to the needs of nonprofit...

What is a S Corp?

What is a S Corp?

What is a S Corp? Definition of S Corp for Those in the Performing Arts An S corporation (S corp) is defined as a legal business entity that is taxed as a partnership rather than separately from its owners. Income is passed through from the corporation (often called a...

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