5 Ways That You Can Benefit From Fiscal Sponsorship
January 14, 2021
5 Ways That You Can Benefit From Fiscal Sponsorship Fiscal Sponsorship Has Both Financial and Administrative Benefits Fiscal Sponsorship has many financial and administrative benefits. Fiscal...

Finding the Right Grant Funders for You
January 8, 2021
Finding the Right Grant Funders for You: Essential Tips NEXTSTEPS GUEST WRITER: ANNA BRADY MARCUS Grant writing means finding the right grant funders for your organization Getting started with grant...

NYC Dance Rehearsal Space for Rent
November 30, 2020
NYC Dance Rehearsal Spaces for Rent Below is a comprehensive list of studio rental spaces in NYC. If you know of a space not listed on this page, you may submit a studio rental location to nextSteps...

What is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit?
November 16, 2020
What is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit? 501(c)(3) Nonprofit In the arts industry, a common level of incorporation you may come across is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit. Under this incorporation, the nonprofit...