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Fundraising Q&A: Planning a Fundraising Event
Q&A: Planning a Performing Arts Fundraising EventEvent Fundraising in the Performing Arts can be a Great Way to Raise Funds There are a number of ways to fundraise money for a performing arts organization or cause. One of the most collaborative ways to fundraise...
Crowdfunding Versus Fundraising
Crowdfunding versus FundraisingWhat is the difference between Crowdfunding and Fundraising? Crowdfunding is exclusively online while fundraising could be either in person or virtual. The majority of Crowdfunding websites make it free to begin so you retain most of the...
What is a C Corp?
What is a C-Corp?What is a C-Corp, and how does it differ from other types of corporate structures? A C corporation (C corp) is defined as a legal business entity that is taxed separately from its owners or shareholders. This includes performing arts entities. Often...