Financial Audit Vs. Financial Review
May 1, 2024
Key Differences Between a Financial Audit & Financial Review A financial audit and review are two different types of financial assessments conducted by professionals to evaluate the accuracy and...

Determining the Right Fiscal Sponsor for You
April 23, 2024
Determining the Right Fiscal Sponsorship for You To get a fiscal sponsor, you will need to identify potential fiscal sponsors that align with your mission and work. Below are some things to...

Performing Arts Grants Database Listings
May 16, 2023
Grant Database Listings for the Performing Arts Below is a list of websites serving as databases for funding sources. If you’re interested in applying for a performing arts grant, filter through...

What Do I Need to Apply for Fiscal Sponsorship?
April 23, 2023
What Do I Need to Apply for Fiscal Sponsorship? The specific requirements for applying to different fiscal sponsorship programs will vary depending on the nonprofit that is offering fiscal...

Workers Classification in the Performing Arts: Why Does It Matter?
May 19, 2022
Workers Classification in the Performing Arts: Why Does It Matter? NEXTSTEPS GUEST WRITER: STEFI GEORGE How You Classify Workers Can Make a Big Difference for Workers Compensation and Tax...

Employee versus Independent Contractor
August 20, 2021
Employee vs. Independent Contractor What’s the difference between an employee and an independent contractor? The payment for an independent contractor is performance-based and is determined by the...

5 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Intern
January 23, 2021
5 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Intern It’s key to ask an intern these questions before hiring them. Here are a few questions for employers to ask a potential intern, in order to learn...

New York City Fiscal Sponsors
January 23, 2021
New York City Fiscal Sponsors List of Fiscal Sponsors in New York City Organizations that act as fiscal sponsors provide a vital service in the cultivation of new projects and entities. Learn more...

Checklist for Processing 1099’s and W2’s
January 14, 2021
Checklist for Processing 1099’s and W2’s End of Year Payroll Tax Forms: W2, 1099 Some of the most important payroll tax forms—W2 and 1099 forms—must be mailed out to your employees and contractors...

What is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit?
November 16, 2020
What is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit? 501(c)(3) Nonprofit In the arts industry, a common level of incorporation you may come across is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit. Under this incorporation, the nonprofit...