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When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 Incorporation
When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 IncorporationIf you have a short-term or one-time project, or are just starting out as a creator, incorporating as a 501(c)(3) is not the most practical or cost-effective way to incorporate. Instead, fiscal sponsorship...
History of Fiscal Sponsorship
History of Fiscal SponsorshipWhere does Fiscal Sponsorship in the United States Come From? Fiscal sponsorship, the practice of one nonprofit organization providing administrative and financial support to another organization or project that lacks 501(c)(3) status, has...
Running a Crowdfunding Campaign Through a Fiscal Sponsor
Running a Crowdfunding Campaign Through a Fiscal SponsorRunning a crowdfunding campaign through a fiscal sponsor can be a great way to raise funds for your project. Being able to provide tax deductibility to your campaign contributors can be the factor that pushes...