Difference Between Non-Profit and For-Profit Entities
April 23, 2024
Difference Between Non-Profit and For-Profit Entities What is a Non-Profit Entity? A non-profit, not-for-profit, or NPO, is an organization that does not seek to earn profit for its owners. Rather,...

What is Fiscal Sponsorship?
April 23, 2024
What is Fiscal Sponsorship? Definition of Fiscal Sponsorship in the Performing Arts Fiscal sponsorship is a relationship in which a nonprofit organization (the fiscal sponsor) agrees to accept and...

What is a LLC?
April 23, 2024
What is a LLC in the Performing Arts? Definition of LLC A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is defined as a legal business entity that limits the company’s members from risk of loss. The owners of an...

When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 Incorporation
April 23, 2024
When to Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over 501(c)3 Incorporation If you have a short-term or one-time project, or are just starting out as a creator, incorporating as a 501(c)(3) is not the most...

History of Fiscal Sponsorship
April 23, 2024
History of Fiscal Sponsorship Where does Fiscal Sponsorship in the United States Come From? Fiscal sponsorship, the practice of one nonprofit organization providing administrative and financial...

What is a C Corp?
April 23, 2024
What is a C-Corp? What is a C-Corp, and how does it differ from other types of corporate structures? A C corporation (C corp) is defined as a legal business entity that is taxed separately from its...

What is a Sole Proprietor?
April 23, 2024
What is a Sole Proprietor? Definition of Sole Proprietor for Those in the Performing Arts A Sole Proprietor is an entity that is not incorporated (as a C-corp, S-corp, or other corporate structure)....

Creatives and Credit
April 23, 2024
Creatives & Credit Creatives & Credit Workshop with Tierra Bonds For artists and creatives looking to build good money habits, this fiscal session teaches you how to reach your credit score...

Determining Pay Rates for Your Team
June 12, 2023
Considerations for Determining Pay Rates Determining How Much to Pay Your Team Pentacle recommends using the W.A.G.E. calculator to get a sense for how much established institutions are paying for...

Top CRMs for Non-Profit Entities
May 22, 2023
Top CRMs for Non-Profit Entities Salesforce Salesforce is a widely used CRM system that offers robust features and customization options. Nonprofits can use Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack...