What is a C Corp?
April 23, 2024
What is a C-Corp? What is a C-Corp, and how does it differ from other types of corporate structures? A C corporation (C corp) is defined as a legal business entity that is taxed separately from its...

Should My Dancers Be on Payroll?
April 23, 2024
Should My Dancers Be on Payroll? Legal Implications of Payroll Employees From the perspective of the New York Department of Labor, if you are a dance company and are dictating when and where your...

What is a Sole Proprietor?
April 23, 2024
What is a Sole Proprietor? Definition of Sole Proprietor for Those in the Performing Arts A Sole Proprietor is an entity that is not incorporated (as a C-corp, S-corp, or other corporate structure)....

Creatives and Credit
April 23, 2024
Creatives & Credit Creatives & Credit Workshop with Tierra Bonds For artists and creatives looking to build good money habits, this fiscal session teaches you how to reach your credit score...

Workers Classification in the Performing Arts: Why Does It Matter?
May 19, 2022
Workers Classification in the Performing Arts: Why Does It Matter? NEXTSTEPS GUEST WRITER: STEFI GEORGE How You Classify Workers Can Make a Big Difference for Workers Compensation and Tax...

Understanding A Balance Sheet
January 13, 2022
Understanding a Balance Sheet What is a Balance Sheet? A Balance Sheet is a financial statement that summarizes the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. The Balance...

Understanding A Profit and Loss Statement?
January 7, 2022
Understanding A Profit and Loss Statement What is a Profit and Loss Statement? A Profit and Loss Statement (P&L) is a financial statement that measures the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred...

Employee versus Independent Contractor
August 20, 2021
Employee vs. Independent Contractor What’s the difference between an employee and an independent contractor? The payment for an independent contractor is performance-based and is determined by the...

5 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Intern
January 23, 2021
5 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Intern It’s key to ask an intern these questions before hiring them. Here are a few questions for employers to ask a potential intern, in order to learn...

5 Questions to Ask Your Auditor
January 23, 2021
5 Questions to Ask your Auditor What are the key questions to ask an independent auditor? Nonprofits are required to obtain an audit or review each year, depending on their budget size. The...