Arts Action Fund: Covid Arts Resources Table

Americans for the Arts Action Fund Summarizes Covid Arts Relief

Americans for the Arts Action Fund is helping artists and artistic entities stay up to date on Covid Arts Relief. This organization has been consistently updating their resources on federal economic aid available to artists. Through their weekly office hours (Fridays at 11AM EST), resources table, research, and legislative updates they are able to summarize the different aid options in a way that is easy to understand and digest. We recommend that you bookmark their Covid Arts Resources Table to stay up to date on all the new guidelines around federal economic aid.





Pentacle remains dedicated to continuing to provide a high level of support to artists during these extraordinary circumstances. Alongside many other key and respected organizations in the field, we have begun accumulating and curating resources for artists and organizations experiencing income loss and other troubles as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Find our list of resources here.


NEXTSTEPS | Updated 3.15.21

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