COVID-related Nonprofit Town Hall with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Senator Chuck Schumer








On Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand lead a virtual Town Hall dealing specifically with New York State nonprofits. This Town Hall provided information on how Senators Schumer and Gillibrand are representing Nonprofits needs in Washington and also includes the recommendations from a few of the 1700 Nonprofits who attended. Below is a list of action items that were provided after the meeting.

  • Include all nonprofits in relief

  • Create charitable giving incentives

  • Provide 100% reimbursement for organizations that self-insure

  • Business interruption insurance coverage for COVID-19 losses

  • Funding for New York

  • Protections for all New Yorkers

  • Paid sick and family leave for all New Yorkers

The Town Hall was hosted by Nonprofit New York in partnership with New York Council of Nonprofits and the National Council of Nonprofits.

Here is a link to watch the recording.

Pentacle remains dedicated to continuing to provide a high level of support to artists during these extraordinary circumstances. Alongside many other key and respected organizations in the field, we have begun accumulating and curating resources for artists and organizations experiencing income loss and other troubles as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Find our list of resources here.



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